
Kitty Badetuch

Mein erstes Experiment mit flüssiger Stoff-Malfarbe.


Etwas probieren und experimentieren, und das Ergebnis ist ein süsses Kitty auf unserem Badetuch.


Dragons play Chess

or chess-playing dragons?

For Christmas, there was Ghost Chess, and for his birthday, Dragon Chess as a T-shirt - drawn with a lot of love and patience.

I find the two dragons really cute, and my father was very happy too.


Ice Cream Elephant

fortunately, he has a trunk

A very summery motive, fitting for the current heat: A cute elephant with three ice creams. He seems to be very happy about having a trunk to carry even more ice cream.


Flower Elephant

I will call him Benjamin

My mother has supplied me with new t-shirts to paint on - of course, completely selflessly.

I returned the first t-shirt on her birthday, painted with a cheerful baby elephant and lots of colorful flowers.


Dragon T-Shirt

I bought a plain, light-colored T-shirt to paint on again. As a motive, I chose a cute dragon cuddling with his cat.

I tested a lot of new markers and I am thrilled with them. The colors have held up after washing!


Flamingo Bath Towel

As a housewarming gift for her new room, I painted a bath towel for my cousin too: Not fruit Pokemons, but flamingos!


This time I used fun flamingos by wooster and Marina Karavaeva as a template.


Pokémon Bath Towel

I recently discovered the fruit Pokémons by @mojgonv and finally found the perfect canvas for them!


Now, four corners of the bath towel are decorated with cute Pokémons: Banana-Evoli, Watermelon-Relaxo, Strawberry-Bisasam, and Grape-Tangela.