16. September 2018

The first photo shoot with Nyctea took place in the summer of 2012. We got along so well, and the resulting pictures were really great, that we met again for the next shoot just a month later. Over the next two years, we created so many pictures together.

Unfortunately, the frequency of our shoots decreased over time, not because we lost interest, but because we no longer live just a few minutes apart, but rather an hour away. This makes it more difficult to have spontaneous photo shoots because of good weather or other reasons.



Nevertheless, at least I enjoy looking back at the old pictures and hope for another photo shoot in the future.




September 2018








August 2014








July 2013





Japanese Fan

July 2013






Snow White

December 2012

Finally snow! This photo shoot was planned for a few weeks, and every time it snowed during the week, it was gone by the weekend...





October 2012

Ein sehr spontanes und kurzes Shooting an einem schönen Herbstabend. 





August 2012







Forest Walker

July 2012







June 2012

