25. November 2021

As I mentioned before, I was surprised with the book: one day a small package arrived in the mail for me. Inside this unassuming package was the crochet book "Magische Häkelfreunde" (magical crochet friends) by Amigurumipatterns.net resp. Edition Michael Fischer. I don't know how my cousins stumbled upon it, but I can tell you, I was thrilled!

The book consists of 14 charming and magical crochet patterns. It will certainly take me some time, but I have already decided to crochet at least the following eleven patterns:



In addition to the patterns, there is an introduction chapter that explains various stitches. As far as I have seen so far, all stitches used in the patterns are explained there.

The first pattern I am working on is Mandremonte - I should have enough yarn at home for her and I find her extremely cute! So far, the pattern has been super easy to understand and follow. The only thing that is a bit unusual is the "crochet into the back loop" that is always specified after the stitches. It takes a bit of getting used to at first to read the entire pattern for a round/row before starting - or, in the worst case, you have to unravel a row and only crochet into the back (or front) loop.



Amazon ist der einzige Anbieter der mir diese Einbindung ermöglicht.


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