19. July 2020

Our first planned vacation in May was completely canceled due to the Corona virus - and spent at home. That's why we didn't even plan a big vacation abroad, but rather decided to assess the situation short-term.

We then decided to play tourist in our own country - and rely more on the car than public transportation. It is definitely interesting to see what can be discovered in Switzerland - even from our own apartment!



Klingnauer Reservoir

The Migros Magazine on Monday had an article about the nature reserve at the Klingnauer reservoir - a short Google search revealed: this reservoir is nearby! Since the months in lockdown have also led to little movement - at least we have done little to nothing - the reservoir landed very high on our vacation list: a path around a reservoir is usually "straight ahead," something that is rather rare in Switzerland.

The nature reserve is definitely worth recommending, especially the lakeside of the nature center. From this side, the birds can be observed well, on the other side, they are "too far away," and otherwise, we found the other side more scenic.



Bruderhöhle Effingen (cave)

A longer walk or shorter hike - my tired legs didn't want to do more - to the Bruderhöhle ("brother cave") and back. Somehow we were expecting a larger cave, but even so, it was a beautiful, short trip.



Park Seleger Moor

Beautiful park with lots of rhododendrons - most of them were unfortunately already faded. There were flowers/blossoms to discover, frogs to find, sculptures to admire, and water lilies to see. Definitely a park that we will visit again!





The feeding places for birds were fiercely contested!





Zoo Zürich

New Year, New Luck

The Zoo Zürich is the zoological garden of Zurich. It was opened in 1929 and is located above the city on the Zurichberg.


2020 was our first year with annual passes - and many short visits and great little moments.


Bruderhaus Wildlife Park

July 12, 2020

The Bruderhaus Wildlife Park is located in Winterthur and has an interesting selection of animals.

We had a lot of fun and recommend it, but definitely only for early risers, otherwise all parking spots are gone!


Vivarium Tablat

July 12, 2020

The Vivarium Tablat is small and very beautiful. It focuses on the diversity of native amphibians and reptiles.
