Erster Besuch im neuen Jahr und es war ein voller Erfolg: Fischotter die sich spielend im Wasser herumtollen, Schmutzgeier die am fressen sind und sogar den kleinen Panda haben wir gesehen!

Zoo Zürich
Weihnachten im Zoo
Weihnachten im Zoo Zürich, bei den Pinguinen und in der wieder eröffneten Forschungsstation.
Wie immer war es ein schöner Besuch der uns viel Freude bereitet hat.

Zoo Zürich
mit sonnigen Schneegestöber
Ende November hat es bis ins Flachland geschneit, es ist liegen geblieben und es wurde sogar richtig schön sonnig!
Darum waren wir ganz schnell im Zoo Zürich um hoffentlich das eine oder andere Tier im Schnee zu sehen.

Zoo Zürich
Wir haben Anfang September mal wieder die Robben-Fütterung bewundert. Es ist immer ein Spektakel zum Bewundern und Bestaunen!
Ich bin jedes Mal wieder überrascht, wie flink diese Tiere sind.

Zoo Nacht Basel
Geparden-Babys wir kommen!
Es war Mal wieder so weit: Man konnte wieder am Abend in den Zoo Basel!
Einerseits ist es toll im Sommer erst später in den Zoo zu gehen, wenn man nicht mehr verbrannt wird und andererseits sieht man Dämmerungsaktive Tiere so besonders gut.

Zoo Zürich
eins... zwei... drei Robben Babys!
Ein kurzer Tripp in den Zoo trotz schlechtem Wetter hat sich als ein Geheimtipp entpuppt: Drei süsse Robben Babys haben fleissig Schwimmunterricht genommen - oder eher zwei, der dritte hat zusammen mit seiner Mama vom Trocknene aus zugeschaut.

Zoo Zürich
Grosses Geflatter bei den Habichtskäuzchen
Ein Zoo Besuch mit ganz viel Geflatter. Nicht nur die Habichtskäuzchen waren fleissig am Fliegen, sondern auch die Storcheneltern, die Enten und Gänse - und die Reiher waren sich am Erholen.

Zoo Zürich
Gecko hier, Gecko da, 28 Geckos!
Die letzten paar Besuche in der Masoala Halle waren jeweils "Gecko arm"... Das wurde bei diesem Besuch definitiv alles wieder gut gemacht!
Ich glaube nicht, dass ich jemals soviele Geckos während eines "Durchgangs" gesehen habe.

Zoo Basel
15. März 2024
Im Juni letzten Jahres wurde das neu renovierte Vogelhaus im Zolli Basel wiedereröffnet. Seit dem wollten wir wieder einmal in den Zolli und es uns anschauen.
Jetzt hatte es endlich geklappt, und wir hatten viel Spass bei unserem Besuch.

Zoo Zürich
Eiszeit im Zoo
Aktuell ist im Zoo Zürich eine Sonderausstellung zum Thema Eiszeit: Kaltgestellt
Dabei werden lebensgrosse Eiszeittiere ausgestellt und dazu noch einige Informationen.

Zoo Zürich
ganz viel süss
Am letzten schönen Herbstwochenende sind wir noch einmal in den Zoo Zürich.
Wir wurden mit Bären auf Nahrungssuche, störrischen Elefanten, einem neugierigen Hyänen-Jungen und süssem Stachelschwein-Nachwuchs belohnt.

Zoo Zurich
our good-by to the snow leopards
We wanted to see the snow leopards before the Zurich Zoo starts its renovation. The weather has been a bit unpredictable lately, so despite the forecast, we gave it a shot... The forecast was accurate and it rained to whole time...

Zoo Zürich
Newborn among the seals
Newborn among the seals: On the 28th of June, a little seal was born, and two weeks later, we admired it.
He is a total cutie, an excellent diver, and also a bit clumsy while swimming!

Zoo Zürich
Playing Gelada baboons and more
On a beautiful day, we went to the zoo. The Gelada baboon young were playfully romping around, and the red ruffed lemurs were busy eating in the Masoala hall. It was an exciting trip, with a slight sunburn as a souvenir.

Zoo Zürich
Walk through the Masoala Hall
A bit of sunshine and lots of animals: T
he spectacled bear foraging for food, the coatis waiting until he was gone, the little panda observing us just as we observed him...
Simply a beautiful morning at the zoo!

Zoo Zürich
First visit of the new year
First visit in 2023! The weather is very changeable these days: first it was okay, then nice and sunny, and in the end it was wet and windy...
The animals were also rather sluggish, understandable. I would also prefer to retreat to a tree and snuggle into my fluffy fur!

Zoo Zürich
Snow in the Zoo
Again, we were incredibly lucky, and we got to see the adorable snow leopard cubs being fed.

Zoo Zürich
Ruckus in the Lewa Savanna
Beautiful weather lured us to the zoo. We had lunch at the Lewa Savanna and were able to observe it.

Vogelpark Ambigua
September 30, 2022
Our last trip during our vacation was to the Vogelpark Ambigua (bird park).
We had a lot of fun trying to identify which birds were curiously observing us, and we were followed by the cockatoos, which I naturally took advantage of to take flight pictures of them.

Walter Zoo
September 22, 2022
During our vacation, we also visited the Walter Zoo. It's a cute zoo, especially for families with young children.
We were lucky with the little panda, as on our fourth pass by the enclosure, he was finally visible - and very close too!

Vogelpark Steinen
For my birthday, I received tickets to the Vogelpark Steinen. One of the reasons for the tickets were the two bird shows. Now we can say that the bird shows are really great! It was especially nice that several birds were allowed to fly at the same time.

Zoo Zürich
Tiang Tang and Snow Leopard Cubs
The tred pandas are now three: Ting Tang has been busy exploring her new surroundings. During her rounds, she was watched by her colleagues up in the trees.

Zoo Zürich
Birthday visit to the Zoo
At my birthday we visited the zoo for a short time periode. The animals must have heared about it, then they were particularly active!

Zoo Zürich
Dusk at the Zoo
We love the zoo night: at dusk in the zoo implies a lot more activity of the animals!

Kerzers, Schweiz
On the way back from Lausanne, we stopped in Kerzers to visit the Papiliorama. I love the butterfly dome and the toucan in the tropical dome. If it weren't so hot - and if my feet had held up - I would have stayed for hours.

We were in Lausanne for three days. In the morning of our second day in Lausanne, we did go directly from the hotel into Aquatis - only a few meters.
The aquarium was designed with great attention to details and displays animals that I have never seen before.

Tropiquarium & Zoo
We were in Lausanne for three days. Our first stop during our trip was the Tropiquarium and Zoo in Servion.
The Tropiquarium is currently famous for the birth of an albino turtle.
We saw it and it is so cute!

Zoo Zürich
Wolves in a different way
Today, the wolves were in the enclosure of the tiger - and we were lucky to be in to zoo too!

Zoo Zürich
Winter magic at Zoo Zurich
We don't get snow very often in the "lowlands", so we quickly packed our camera and headed to the zoo to admire our favorite animals in the snow.

Zoo Zürich
Museum Night at Zoo Zürich
We spent a few short hours during twilight at the Zurich Zoo.

Zoo Zürich
A little bit of Zoo before the Rain starts
This summer, the weather was unpredictable and often rainy... Today, we were lucky to take advantage of the few hours of "sun" and visit the zoo.

Zoo Basel
June 18, 2021
The Zoo Basel is located in the middle of the city and is easily accessible. It was opened in 1874 and has been fascinating visitors ever since.
My personal favorite part of the zoo is the Vivarium right near the main entrance.

Zoo Zürich
Nibble, nibble, little mouse... Who is nibbling there?
Interestingly, we always manage to observe some animals during feeding time. This time, we were able to see the otters, although not while they were eating, but playing instead.

Zoo Zürich
Animal Action
We had a wonderful autumn day at Zoo Zurich. Luckily, we were able to watch the snow leopards being fed and there was plenty of animal activity going on.

Bruderhaus Wildlife Park
July 12, 2020
The Bruderhaus Wildlife Park is located in Winterthur and has an interesting selection of animals.
We had a lot of fun and recommend it, but definitely only for early risers, otherwise all parking spots are gone!

Vivarium Tablat
July 12, 2020
The Vivarium Tablat is small and very beautiful. It focuses on the diversity of native amphibians and reptiles.

Zoo Zürich
Lewa Savanne
First visit to the newly opened Lewa Savanna and we were very lucky:
The rhinos, giraffes, and zebras were very close!

Zoo Zürich
Red Panda
Very, very short visit to visit our favorite animals, the red pandas.

Zoo Zürich
New Year, New Luck
The Zoo Zürich is the zoological garden of Zurich. It was opened in 1929 and is located above the city on the Zurichberg.
2020 was our first year with annual passes - and many short visits and great little moments.

Papiliorama Kerzers
The Papiliorama in Kerzers is known for its butterfly dome: Inside the dome, over 1,000 exotic butterflies fly freely around visitors in a lush tropical garden.
I become like a little child in a candy store every time I visit!

Zoo Leipzig
Zoo Leipzig is one of the best zoos in Europe and the best zoo in Germany. And with a size of 26 hectares, you can walk your feet flat.

Schönbrunn Zoo
Vienna, Austria
Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna is the oldest existing zoo in the world. We visited it during our city trip and found it really great!

Butterfly House
Vienna, Austria
This small, hidden butterfly house is basically the mini version of Papiliorama and is definitely worth a visit!

Aquarium of Genoa
July 2012
The aquarium of Genoa is the largest in Europe. We visited it during our long weekend in Genoa, Italy.